An van Dixhoorn
An starts meet the locals with B-in motion. An unique opportunity to encounter remarkable inabitants of the cities of Breda, Dordrecht, Den Bosch and Zwolle. The suprising aspect of the meetings makes it a working concept, leading to inspiration and maybe some new insights! Organising and linking people is Ans second nature!
Liesbeth van Well
Encounters in Breda
Liesbeth is a hat maker and was one of our adresses for a long time, before she started to organise the trips. A community art maker. Documentaries, art-projects and community projects, she does it all. With her special eye on details and creative possibilities, she makes every trip a succes. .
Gaby van der Zee
Encounters in Dordrecht
Studied arts and culture of Latin America, but her strong roots kept her on the island of Dordrecht. There's so much to be discovered there! As a journalist she knows every corner and every remarkable local of Dordrecht, that's why the encounters in Dordrecht - from historical centre to the Biesbosch park- are in best hands with Gaby!
Lisette van Schijndel
Encounters in Den Bosch
Teamcoach bij een groot bedrijf in Den Bosch. Al haar vrije momenten steekt ze in muziek, theater en de Bossche ruilkring. Niet zo gek dat zij de meest eigenzinnige ontmoetingen in Den Bosch weet te organiseren.
Els Booijink
Encounters in Zwolle
Next to her work as a nurse, Els is very curious to know about peoples passion. After having experienced a Meet the Locals trip in Breda, she decided to start B-in motion Zwolle. New kid on the block and worth the visit!